How to Dry Brush Skin for Health & Detoxification

One of the more underrated tools present in almost every daily beauty/personal care regimen is the brush (and no, they’re not just for hair!). Brushes have multiple other purposes, ranging from improving oral health to applying cosmetics. While Americans are very familiar with these common uses, there’s another lesser-known brush technique touted for a range of health benefits: dry brushing.

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Starting Healthy Habits with S.M.A.R.T. New Year’s Resolutions

Lose weight. Exercise more. Eat better. Drink more water. The new year often signifies a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. Most Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but drastically fewer of us accomplish them. (Whoops!) So what is it that gets in the way of remembering or acting on our resolutions? Why do we struggle to keep them up as the year goes on? What is most challenging about implementing lifestyle changes that we know are good for us?

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