Chronic illness is on the rise, with nearly half of all Americans suffering from one or more chronic conditions. These ongoing and often incurable diseases may affect multiple body systems, with symptoms ranging from superficial skin rashes to cognitive impairment and neurological decline (it’s no wonder these conditions are notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat!).

Living in constant illness can be financially burdensome and both physically and mentally disabling (in other words - not fun).

Enter So It Goes Club - a compilation of health and wellness resources to inspire living well with chronic illness.

Because with the right tool kit and positive mentality, we can all learn to live better. And one day - living better becomes living well.

If you’re also looking for ways to live your best life with chronic illness — welcome to the club! This is for us all.


hi, i'm Tina!

Consider me one of the lucky 133 million, trucking along with not one (but multiple) ongoing, co-occurring diseases. After years of obscure health scares (and numerous misdiagnoses and incorrect treatments later), I finally have some answers: Chiari Malformation Type 1, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and possible atypical Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (IST). All three… chronic. A scary realization for a girl in her 20s.

A decade into this health saga and the focus shifts, from living for a cure to living well without one.

With a background in healthcare analytics and extensive personal experience navigating the healthcare system, I have long been interested in all things health and wellness.

So I started researching: what can I do to live my best life, even with some “not-so-best” diagnoses?

Turns out - there’s a lot I can do. And why not share? That’s when I started writing, both as a blog contributor for Four Wellness Co. and as the founder of So it Goes Club.

Because when life gives you lemons, juice the hell out of em (or start blogging). Cheers - and happy healing!