How to Reduce Inflammation with Nutrition & Lifestyle

Diabetes. Cancer. Heart Disease. Stroke. Rheumatoid Arthritis. What do these (sometimes deadly) chronic conditions share in common? All have been linked to chronic, ongoing inflammation (yikes!). To reduce our risk of illness and these scary, adverse outcomes, it’s important to understand the root cause of inflammation and how to prevent it with nutrition and lifestyle.

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Why You Need Both Probiotics & Prebiotics

The human body harbors over 100 trillion bacteria, outnumbering our own cells ten to one. These bacteria live on our skin, in our mouths and, most predominantly, in our guts (not surprising, given that our intestines stretch out 25 feet!). Since we are essentially more bacterial than we are human, our health really depends on an optimal balance of these microbes—the “good” and the “bad.”

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